Deep dive into AF_PACKET socket

AF_PACKET socket is a way of capturing raw packets at link layer and then applications can handle the packets in user space. Applications like packet sniffering and soft packet processing could use it to receive and send the raw packets from and to the link layer directly.

AF_PACKET had evolved a few versions of improvement in Linux kernel since it’s introduced. In this artcile, we will discuss what options could be used to improve the efficiency for capturing and sending the packet via the AF_PACKET socket.


Linux有丰富的虚拟化网络功能,当你在Linux系统中执行ip link help命令的时候,就会发现Linux支持很多种类型的虚拟网络接口,这些虚拟网络接口把虚拟机、容器以及裸金属宿主机互联起来,为云计算网络虚拟环境提供了技术支撑。本文重点介绍Linux中各种常用的虚拟网络接口,为在网络虚拟化领域学习和工作的同行们提供参考。