
Jekyll’s growing use is producing a wide variety of tutorials, frameworks, extensions, examples, and other resources that can be very helpful. Below is a collection of links to some of the most popular Jekyll resources.

Useful Guides


  • Use a saas service as a backend for forms (contact forms, hiring forms, etc.)
  • Jekyll Bootstrap, 0 to Blog in 3 minutes. Provides detailed explanations, examples, and helper-code to make getting started with Jekyll easier.
  • Integrating Twitter with Jekyll

    “Having migrated to be based on Jekyll, I was pondering how I might include my recent twitterings on the front page of the site. In the WordPress world, this would have been done via a plugin which may or may not have hung the loading of the page, might have employed caching, but would certainly have had some overheads. … Not in Jekyll.”

  • Staticman: Add user-generated content to a Jekyll site (free and open source)

Other commentary

  • ‘My Jekyll Fork’, by Mike West

    “Jekyll is a well-architected throwback to a time before WordPress, when men were men, and HTML was static. I like the ideas it espouses, and have made a few improvements to it’s core. Here, I’ll point out some highlights of my fork in the hopes that they see usage beyond this site.”

  • ‘About this Website’, by Carter Allen

    “Jekyll is everything that I ever wanted in a blogging engine. Really. It isn’t perfect, but what’s excellent about it is that if there’s something wrong, I know exactly how it works and how to fix it. It runs on the your machine only, and is essentially an added”build” step between you and the browser. I coded this entire site in TextMate using standard HTML5 and CSS3, and then at the end I added just a few little variables to the markup. Presto-chango, my site is built and I am at peace with the world.”

  • Generating a Tag Cloud in Jekyll – A guide to implementing a tag cloud and per-tag content pages using Jekyll.
  • A way to extend Jekyll without forking and modifying the Jekyll gem codebase and some portable Jekyll extensions that can be reused and shared.
  • Using your Rails layouts in Jekyll
  • Adding Ajax pagination to Jekyll